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Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
September 23, 2010
6 PM
Town Hall Annex

Attendees: Joyce Anderson, Sheila Dubman, Alex Fiandaca, Joe Lee and Matt Lindberg.

Cell Tower at 120 Mirick Road
Sheila replied to a request for input from Even Spencer, Project Coordinator for Aerial Spectrum, Inc., (forwarded via the Planning Board) and relayed the Commission's consensus that to our knowledge, no historical assets would be jeopardized by the proposed cell tower.  The Commission's input was sought as required by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.  

West Village Marker
Joe reported that the West Village marker has been successfully installed.

Outreach newsletter
Bagg Hall News debuted at the end of August and included an update from the Commission.  Members agreed to contribute updates as needed.

Town Pound
Sheila spoke with Jeff Yaglou regarding his offer to clear the town pound.  Sheila thanked him and explained that the Commission has decided to decline his offer based on recent stone wall thefts.
Jeff accepted the Commission's position.

Demolition Delay Bylaw
Sheila forwarded copies of the MHC demolition delay bylaw template to members by email.  Members will focus on the bylaw at the next meeting.

133 Beaman Road
Matt has spoken with Joanne Kay of Hobbs Road who indicated that neighbors can attest to the favorable condition of the interior of the house.  Also, a property management company has secured the building and cleaned up the grounds.  Matt has tracked down the real estate agent (Keith Kopley from Keller Williams) and has tried unsuccessfully to contact him.  It appears that the property is still bank owned (was 'bought back' by the bank) but interestingly has not yet been listed. Joe offered to try to gain more information about the status of the listing.   

East Princeton Village Overlay District
Alex provided an update on the bylaw for East Princeton being proposed by the Planning Board. A four-member subcommittee has worked on revising a draft bylaw which seems to have originated with the Master Plan consultants. The more significant revisions include preserving 2-acre minimum lot sizes, removing multi-family units and preserving the opportunity for residents to have a voice via the special permit/hearing process.  Alex will forward a copy of the latest draft to members.  

Joyce has arranged a future meeting with the Westminster Historic Commission to discuss possible boundaries of Everettville.  Sheila has discovered that mail to Everettville residents was once handled by Westminster.  Everettville residents also had access to Westminster's dump.  

Wachusett Mountain National Register Nomination
Joyce has been in contact with Wendy Pearl, Preservation Planner for DCR (formerly Sean Provencher).  Wendy indicated that the nomination is at DCR and is not proceeding.  The reason is not clear but it seems to have something to do with redefining the boundaries to exclude the ski area.  Wendy also indicated that some groups did not feel they had adequate notice of the project, and explained that a hearing is not required when the land owner is a public entity, i.e., the state.  Members agreed to send a letter to DCR urging them to move forward once we have more information.  Joyce will contact Wendy again and Sheila will draft the letter.

Four Corners and Wachusett Meadow
A meeting has been scheduled for November 3rd with MHC to discuss the proposed National Register nomination for Four Corners and Wachusett Meadow.  Joyce has obtained the addresses of non-resident property owners so that they too will be invited.

Attachments to be included with filing of minutes

Letter from Evan Spencer, Aerial Spectrum, Inc.
Copy of Section 106, National Historic Preservation Act
MHC Demolition Delay bylaw sample
East Princeton Village Overlay District bylaw draft

Upcoming Meetings

PHC: October 21, 2010 at 6 PM, Town Hall Annex
MHC: November 3, 2010 at 7PM, Town Hall Annex

Respectfully submitted,
Alex Fiandaca